It is obvious that the two countries’ concept of beauty is different due to the cultures’ varying standards of beauty. Just flip through magazines from the two countries and from the get-go you can point out each cultures’ beauty standards. They both value thinness as a beauty standard. However, Americans glorify the tan, fit, and smoky eye look. Koreans go for the petite, glowing, minimal makeup look.
Learn and Practice
get-go: [ get-goh ] noun
the very beginning
value: [ val-yoo ] verb
to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance
glorify: [ glawr-uh-fahy, glohr- ] verb
to cause to be or treat as being more splendid, excellent, etc., than would normally be considered.
smokey eye: [ smoh-kee ahy ] noun
a style of eye makeup application in which dark eyeshadow is applied to the top and bottom eyelids and blended for a dramatic effect
petite: [ puh-teet ] adjective
relating to or being a woman who is short and has a small, trim figure
get-go: 开始
value: 重视
glorify: 嘉
smokey eye: 烟熏眼
get-go: conseguir ir
value: apreciar
glorify: glorificar
smokey eye: ojos humeante